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The congress will take place in the amphitheaters of the Ponta Delgada Campus of the University of the Azores (37º44´45.24´´N 25º39´47.76´´W). The campus is located in the heart of the city of Ponta Delgada, in a pleasant setting, marked by a historic 19th century garden, and is easily accessible on foot or by public or private transport.

Founded in 1976, the University of the Azores has consolidated itself over the decades as a reference institution in the archipelago, managing to build science and cultural ties within and between islands. Since its foundation, the University of the Azores has also asserted itself as an institution with a universalist character, enhancing the relevance that its Atlantic nature gives it: a true bridge between Europe, the Americas and other geographies of knowledge, confirming its motto: Sicut Aurora Scientia Lucet.

The Azores archipelago is located in the North Atlantic Ocean, between 37º to 40ºN latitude and 25º to 31ºW longitude, approximately 1500 km west of mainland Portugal, in an area close to the triple junction between the Eurasian, American and Nubian plates. The archipelago is made up of nine volcanic islands, spread along a WNW–ESE trending lineament with a length of approximately 640 km. Geographically, the islands can be grouped into three groups: the Western Group, composed of the islands of Corvo and Flores; the Central Group, including five islands (Terceira, Faial, Pico, São Jorge and Graciosa); and the Eastern Group, including the islands of Santa Maria and São Miguel, the latter where the XIV Iberian Geochemistry Congress will be held.

São Miguel is the largest island in the archipelago (744 km2 in area) and has around 140,000 inhabitants. The geology of São Miguel is dominated by three active central volcanoes (Sete Cidades, Fogo and Furnas), associated with highly explosive eruptions of trachytic magmas, connected by two fissure zones. Two other inactive volcanic systems are located in the eastern part of the Island, which as a whole constitutes a true natural laboratory for the study of geosciences.

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